For those interested in the technical information, here are some of the details.
Most digital capture is done with a varitey of digital SLRs ranging including a Nikon D800e, Canon 5D Mark II,and a Canon 20D. We also use a Gigapan and an iphone for some of the panoramas and other images.
With film we mainly use medium and large format cameras either using Hasselblads and view cameras. Most of the panoramas were taken with a Hasselblad X-Pan. A variety of films are used for the B/W work and the color work is mostly Fuji Reala.
The B/W darkroom prints are printed on a variety of fiber-based papers. Unless otherwise stated, all B/W prints are selenium toned. The color darkroom photographs are printed on Fuji Crystal Archive paper.
The digital images are printed on either a Canon ipf8400 or HP Z3200 using pigment inks. We use a variety of papers from Moab, Epson, Crane, Hahnemühle, Breathing Color and Innova. The film is scanned on either a Nikon Coolscan 9000 or Polaroid 45 Ultra film scanner.
Our digital images are primarily processed in Adobe Photoshop CCor Lightroom.
K&J Photography
111 Falls Avenue
Falls Church, VA 22046-2419
PHONE: 703.533.1804
Studio Address
Torpedo Factory Art Center
105 N. Union Street, #343
Alexandria, VA 22314
STUDIO PHONE: 703.568-4577